Dear Visitor:
Welcome to Computer Architecture and Dependable Systems (CADS) laboratory website. Our researches focus on embedded machine learning, brain-inspired computing, reliability, and the Internet of Things (IoT). All related things to CADS-Lab, including news, publications, open-source tools, etc. are updated on this website, regularly.
CADS-Lab is located in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Notice (05/2024): At CADS-Lab, there is a Ph.D position for applicants who participated in the Sanjesh Ph.D entrance exam (1403/2024), in the computer engineering field. Contact me for more information (o.akbari@modares.ac.ir).
Recent News:
- 2024/10: Congratulations to Ms. Fariba Joorghanian for successfully defending her M.Sc. thesis.
- 2024/05: Congratulations to Mr. Reza Ghorbansiahi for receiving the acceptance of funding support for his MSc thesis from the Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC).
- 2024/05: Congratulations to Mr. Alireza Fouladloo for receiving the acceptance of funding support for his MSc thesis from the Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC).
- 2024/05: Congratulations to Ms. Farzaneh Abouali for receiving the acceptance of funding support for her MSc thesis from the Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC).
- 2024/01: Congratulations to Mr. Amirhossein Azimi for successfully defending his M.Sc. thesis.
Recent Publications:
- “HPR-Mul: An Area and Energy-Efficient High-Precision Redundancy Multiplier by Approximate Computing,” accepted in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems , Aug. 2024.
- “A Two-Level Thermal Cycling-aware Task Mapping Technique for Reliability Management in Manycore Systems,” accepted in IEEE Access , Aug. 2024.
- “A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Method for Dynamic Quality of Service aware Energy and Occupant Comfort Management in Intelligent Buildings,” accepted in e-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy , July 2024.
- “A Quality-Aware Voltage Overscaling Framework to Improve the Energy Efficiency and Lifetime of TPUs based on Statistical Error Modeling,” in IEEE Access , vol. 12, pp. 92181-92197, 2024.
- “Energy Management of Smart Buildings Using Graph Neural Network,” accepted in Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering (TJEE) , May. 2024.
- “Design Exploration of Fault-Tolerant Deep Neural Networks using Posit Number Representation System,” in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems , vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 1350-1363, July 2024.
- “Efficient Approximate Multipliers Utilizing Compact and Low-power Compressors for Error-Resilient Applications,” in AEUE – International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 174, no. 155039, Jan. 2024.
Current Research Areas
- Embedded machine learning
- Distributed learning
- Internet of things
- Hardware Security
- Brain-inspired computing
- Machine learning for reliability and safety-critical systems
- Energy management and security in smart buildings
- Hardware implementation of advanced neural networks on FPGA
Collaborations with other Universities:
- Professor Massoud Pedram, University of Southern California
- Professor Ali Afzali-Kusha, University of Tehran
- Professor Christian Hochberger, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- Professor Muhammad Shafique, New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi
- Dr. Mehdi Kamal, University of Tehran
- Dr. Behzad Ebrahimi, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch